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Listed below are the International Syalons brochures, product guides, material property data sheets, and Safety Data Sheets (SDS). In order to view them you will need a PDF reader, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader.
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Advanced Ceramic Property Guide

Applications of Syalons

Ceramic Weld Rolls

Chemical and Process Industry Applications of Advanced Ceramics

Designing With Ceramics

Development of Syalon Ceramics

Industrial Wear Applications of Advanced Ceramics

Manufacturing of Sialon Ceramics

Metal Forming Applications of Advanced Ceramics

Molten Metal Handling - User Guide

Molten Metal Handling Applications of Advanced Ceramics

Oil and Gas Applications of Advanced Ceramics

Sialon and Zirconia Weld Location Pins

Sialon Extrusion and Drawing Dies

Silicon Nitride Ceramics

Syalon 21R Polytype Powders

Syalon Ceramic Inserts for Direct Brass Extrusion - User Guide

Syalon Ceramics for Aluminium Smelting Applications

Syalon Matrizen zum direkten Strangpressen von Messinghalbzeug - Anwender Hinweise

Syalon Outils Céramiques à filer en direct des fils ronds de Laiton - Guide Utilisateurs

Syalon, a New Force in Grinding

Thermocouple Protection Sheaths

Welding Applications of Advanced Ceramics

What are Sialon Ceramics?
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Data Sheets

International Syalons Materials Data Sheet

Aloxalon 96 Data Sheet

Aloxalon 995 Data Sheet

Aloxalon 999 Data Sheet

Syalon 050 Data Sheet

Syalon 101 Data Sheet

Syalon 110 Data Sheet

Syalon 201 Data Sheet

Syalon 501 Data Sheet

Sycarb 10 Data Sheet

Sycarb 20 Data Sheet

Zircalon 5 / Zircalon 10 Data Sheet

Zircalon 20 Data Sheet

Zircalon 30 Data Sheet
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Safety Data Sheets

Syalon 101 Safety Data Sheet

Syalon 050 Safety Data Sheet

Syalon 110 Safety Data Sheet

Syalon 201 Safety Data Sheet

Syalon 501 Safety Data Sheet

Aloxalon Safety Data Sheet

Zircalon 5 / Zircalon 10 Safety Data Sheet

Zircalon 30 Safety Data Sheet

Sycarb Safety Data Sheet

21R Polytype Powder Safety Data Sheet
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Anti-Bribery Policy

Directions to International Syalons

International Syalons Company Profile

Privacy Policy

Terms and Conditions

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A Quality Advantage.
International Syalons have been developing high quality silicon nitride-based ceramic components in the UK since their conception in the 1970s.

What are sialon ceramics?

Technical ceramic property comparison table
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Find the perfect solution

metal forming
Sialon and zirconia provide the high temperature strength and non-wetting properties necessary for metal casting, extruding, and welding.

industrial wear
Technical ceramics are characterised by excellent mechanical strength and hardness, and are widely used in extreme wear applications.

chemical & Process
Silicon nitride offers excellent corrosion and thermal resistance and are ideal materials for use in the chemical and process industries.

Advanced Ceramic Solutions for Extreme Environments